"Draw Me Close To You"

It's the title of an old school worship song, most of you know the entire thing by heart and many of you worship leading folks could play it by heart. I was laughing and worshiping to this song in church today. Laughing because today I realized that the chorus "you're all I want, you're all I've ever needed..." sounds much like the intro to a 70's sitcom. Intently worshiping because this song has meant so much to me through the years. I "happen" to only hear it when I really need it. It's God's gentile way of whispering to me that He knows and understands my heart's desire and that He will take care of it as long as I remain focused on primarily HIM! So yes, today I needed to hear that once again. I have been praying for a long time for one very specific thing and lately I've been getting discouraged. I believe that God wants to bless me with this but I don't understand why it's taking so long. But today I am reminded, though the sitcom chorus, that God is truly all I ever wanted and needed.
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