It's Been So Long...

The school year has been over for weeks now... I am in such a huge transition place that I don't even know what to do! After a whole school-year of dealing with the drama and emotion of urban 4th graders my life feels as if it has come to a screeching halt. At first I found peace in having time to myself. Then, I was exited for the move and that mostly occupied my time. Now, I'm in Portland and my heart yearns to be with those babies again. As we spend evenings on prayer walks and I see a neighbor kid I find my body naturally gravitating toward them to just hear the energy and passion that children have for living. I'm longing to have the comfort that I will be teaching in the fall, but God may have other plans. If you read this and you are one who prays, pray for God to give me peace and to trust his perfect plans.
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1 Response to "It's Been So Long..."

  1. Giordi says:
    July 7, 2008 at 12:52 PM

    So glad you're blogging again! And really, really can't wait to see you. We'll have to talk soon so we can figure everything out.

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