Switch 1: Paper napkins to cloth...

This has been my favorite switch of all! I love passing out and using the cloth napkins I made and am so excited to make more. I use them with pride knowing I'm saving our garbage bill, trees and our budget. All I did was take an old sheet, cut it into squares, fold the edge and sew. I recommend this one to EVERYONE. If you aren't a seamstress at all I bet you could do some great deal hunting for end of season discounts, garage sales, Goodwill, and antique stores.
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1 Response to "Switch 1: Paper napkins to cloth..."

  1. Resale and Bargains says:
    August 24, 2010 at 1:52 PM

    I buy cloth napkins all the time on sale...Wal mart, Marshall's, T.J. Maxx.....I don't think I have ever paid more than $1. for them. Also, I use cloth napkins for curtains! Small windows work the best.

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