A "clean" approach to life...

A few years ago I was curious about soy products. My research and learning propelled me into a quest of learning all about nutrition and healthy food. I became slightly obsessed with "hmm, I wonder what is actually in this."

Around the same time I was teaching an environmental unit to my 4th graders and was learning with them the effects of plastic bottles and garbage bags. This also propelled me into a learning adventure and another slight obsession with knowing how all that I throw away effects the environment.

A few weeks ago someone told me "you shouldn't use drier sheets, ever, they are extremely toxic." I wanted to cry...not my drier sheets! So I started researching the effects of using them and was seeking a cheap alternative. This lead to my new understanding of all the chemicals I use daily (lotion, shampoo, air freshener, dish soap, etc.) and I became concerned with the use of all of them and overwhelmed at finding alternatives that would be less toxic.

Here have been the results of all that I've learned about these three and my final reflections about all of them.

1. I believe it is impossible on our family budget to be completely organic and nitrate free with our food.

2. It seems near impossible to avoid plastic pop and water bottles at all cost. It is fairly easy to remember the shopping bag and avoid the plastic ones. It would be MUCH better for our family to use cloth diapers but I'm not about to be scraping poo from them and washing them...sorry just can't do it!

3. The toxins in our home are overwhelming. This is the one that I am most empowered to change. I already make our own laundry soap and dish soap but the rest of it is just going to have to wait a few years until we are debt free.

4. Our country as a whole is becoming more aware and educated in all of these areas so there are plenty of alternatives out there but generally for a cost.

I just get so passionate about changing these things because they are so within our control. It seems spiritually responsible to be more environmental friendly and conscious about what goes in and through our bodies. I often feel as if I have to be all about the change or ignore the need for the change but I've come to realize that the small attempts and efforts I make are worth it. Every time I come up with an alternative at the same cost I feel so proud of myself and the way I'm protecting my family. All of that to say, I'm proud to report that as of recent we've become more aware and careful as a family about the toxins in our home and ways to eliminate them.
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3 Response to "A "clean" approach to life..."

  1. Anonymous Says:
    August 19, 2010 at 9:07 AM

    I liked this post.

    Have you ever cleaned with vinegar? We use vinegar, baking soda and borax to clean just about everything. Mostly vinegar. Floors, windows, counters, bathrooms--everything. I never buy other cleaners and we save so much money!

  2. Mandy Mucci says:
    August 19, 2010 at 1:00 PM

    I have not cleaned with vinegar, I remember using vinegar and newspaper as a kid helping mom wash windows but didn't think about it for my other cleaning...THANKS!!! Cheap, simple and healthy, just what I'm looking for.

  3. Lauren says:
    August 28, 2010 at 6:30 AM

    I tried some homemade cleaners last year and wasn't happy with any of them. The only one I stuck with was 1/4 cup of vinegar for fabric softener. Thanks for sharing your journey, I'd love to pick it up again with things that will be more successful!

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