
Most kids in our school don't have their parents explaining the maturing process that all of them are about to undertake. I have one girl in particular, let's call her Woman Wannabe. She sadly has no female in her life at home to explain what is happening to her. So, today I have all my kids at the bathrooms with one girl holding the girls bathroom door open. I hear the royal screech "Mrs. Mucci!!!" Woman Wannabe has her pants at her ankles and her underwear at her knees and her head peeking around the corner as she proceeds to announce "I started my period!!!" Needless to say, I sent her to the nurse to explain the process and help with the cleaning up. I almost forgot to mention at the same time I had another girl who's pants couldn't take the stretch any more and she literally busted at the seams. So, while Woman Wannabe was yelling to the world about her period this other girl was standing pinching her pants together wile I poked safety pins in her. Oh yeah, and we're supposed to have all our kids passing reading and math tests this year despite our daily distractions.
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1 Response to "Woman-hood"

  1. Unknown says:
    October 25, 2007 at 7:21 AM

    That sounds like a great time. Just be glad your the teacher instead of the nurse. :)

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