The New Kid

My newest member of 4th grade is probably the saddest boy in the world. So many of our kids have issues but this one is very sensitive. Here is the book he made in class this week. I am going to keep the spelling like his to capture his innocence.

"My Life Is Going Bad"
by New Kid

MY life is ging bad

oune (one) Day My MOM and Dad Do Not git a log (along) very wel so I was good.

My mom sid (side) do not like my dad somtims my dad is krasey Mom and my dad will love. each eaother no more dr (they) wot (won't)

so is clos to the End so this is the last

even me and my sis don't git a long we love eachether

I wunt for good (God) to help my famly and me. I am in pane rit naw. I triy to evrey Day But My heart keyps hitting (hurting) me.

The End
By: New Kid

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