Hello full-time job, goodbye YMCA

I offically quit the Y this week! Talk about new beginnings. It was hard to take this leap of faith and say goodbye to a secure job in such tough economic times. As I truly assessed how I was doing as a mom, wife, and as a disciple and thought about adding even just 12 hours to my week...it didn't quite add up. Our sons are doing amazing, however two toddlers of any kind are far beyond a full time job. So, after crunching numbers a million times and praying a lot we decided to take the leap. The first 3 weeks with the boys were almost entirely without income from our regular jobs and yet all bills were paid plus we were blessed with so many gifts and food to keep us going through strong! I fully trust and believe that if the time comes and I MUST work that God will provide the job that will be just right for our family. So...to all of you who have blessed us with gifts or prayers, THANKS!
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2 Response to "Hello full-time job, goodbye YMCA"

  1. Lauren says:
    January 4, 2010 at 5:44 AM

    When we were in New Mexico for Christmas, the pastor at our Naz church there said that faith is not a leap in the dark but our obedient and trusting response to God's leading. I really liked that. It sounds like that's just what you guys are doing. Praying for you as you trust Him for your provision... :)

  2. J says:
    January 11, 2010 at 2:20 PM

    I'm praying with you guys!

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