Another "Night Strike" Angel...
Over the last 5 months we have been going to Night Strike in "Hells Kitchen" in downtown Portland (see previous posts on mine and Nick's blog). Last night was another blessed evening there, I met an angel named Ben.
Ben was sent by God to preach to the preachers, befriend the homeless, and to live among the poor. This is no easy calling but the man delivered the love of God with beautiful grace. He shared his story with me and here are some of the highlights.
Ben had a rough childhood and many reasons to be full of hate and hostility toward the church and toward people in general. He had many reasons not to trust. As he shared this part of the story with me I saw the pain he felt and at the same time the peace he now has. After spending time in prison, time in Vietnam, years on drugs and alcohol he faced God and asked if He could do anything with the life Ben had messed up. From that very moment God flooded into his heart and created the Ben I met last night. For 20 years he's been living among the homeless and poor in transient housing in old town Portland. During our conversation about every 10 min. a homeless person would walk by and give him a hug or kiss on the cheek calling him Uncle Ben or Dad. He has become family for so many whom have been abandoned or betrayed by their families.
At one point in the converstaions two godly men came over who are recovered homelss crack useres and cons to tell me how wonderful Ben is and how he sang in church last week. I talked Ben into singing for us and it was the most beautiful moment ever, a divine moment. While under Burnside bridge on a Friday night, among 400 individuals (most homeless), surrounded by much commotion Ben sang "The Old Rugged Cross" I nearly burst into tears as this man ignored the noise and in a sweet bratone voice sang to our Almighty God.
I was the one blessed by the presence of the Holy Spirit. Ben's story inspired and reminded me about who God is. He taught me how to live like Jesus expects us to live.
Thank you Lord for your grace. For loving me when I loose sight of your true mission. When I get arrogent or boastful reminde me of Ben and his testamony, his calling, my calling.
Ben was sent by God to preach to the preachers, befriend the homeless, and to live among the poor. This is no easy calling but the man delivered the love of God with beautiful grace. He shared his story with me and here are some of the highlights.
Ben had a rough childhood and many reasons to be full of hate and hostility toward the church and toward people in general. He had many reasons not to trust. As he shared this part of the story with me I saw the pain he felt and at the same time the peace he now has. After spending time in prison, time in Vietnam, years on drugs and alcohol he faced God and asked if He could do anything with the life Ben had messed up. From that very moment God flooded into his heart and created the Ben I met last night. For 20 years he's been living among the homeless and poor in transient housing in old town Portland. During our conversation about every 10 min. a homeless person would walk by and give him a hug or kiss on the cheek calling him Uncle Ben or Dad. He has become family for so many whom have been abandoned or betrayed by their families.
At one point in the converstaions two godly men came over who are recovered homelss crack useres and cons to tell me how wonderful Ben is and how he sang in church last week. I talked Ben into singing for us and it was the most beautiful moment ever, a divine moment. While under Burnside bridge on a Friday night, among 400 individuals (most homeless), surrounded by much commotion Ben sang "The Old Rugged Cross" I nearly burst into tears as this man ignored the noise and in a sweet bratone voice sang to our Almighty God.
I was the one blessed by the presence of the Holy Spirit. Ben's story inspired and reminded me about who God is. He taught me how to live like Jesus expects us to live.
Thank you Lord for your grace. For loving me when I loose sight of your true mission. When I get arrogent or boastful reminde me of Ben and his testamony, his calling, my calling.
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