Back to where I started...

I was just noticing that I haven't written a blog in nearly 2 months and nearly 5 months since I've posted anything related to the church! So, I originally set out to tell you about my wifely duties as the pastors wife and veered off the path...sorry! Here's where I'm at.

First of all I don't exactly meet the mold of the old school pastor's wife. I don't have big hair...actually it's pretty flat, I can't play the piano or even sing for that fact and I am not very good at hosting parties I just like to have people over (everyone has learned by now how to find things in our kitchen). I will say I am working on some of the internal things one would expect from a pastor's wife. God is daily teaching me how to be more patient, how to be a better listener, ways to be more hospitable, and possessing true flexibility.

I think that the skill that is most required of pastors and their families is resilancy. The ability to bounce back time and time again. I think my parents helped me to learn this skill after many attempts at being athletic. No matter how much I sucked at sports for some darn reason I wanted to keep playing them! If I didn't make a cut a tryouts, missed the game winning pop fly, failed at track because I only wanted to do shot put my parents helped me to be resilient and confident in who I was...the game didn't matter, the fact that I kept trying and learning did matter! The last 3 months of life have been oddly familiar to that time of my life. Relationships have failed and rebounded, "ideas" began then stopped and relaunched in new ways, bridges have been built then crumbled and some rebuilt, the list could go on. The most important thing in my life is that God is faithful and unchanging and that makes me resilient. It allows me to mourn what was lost (dreams, goals, friendships, finances...etc.) and find joy in the hope that Jesus brings. God is in the business of making all things new and I get to be a part of that amazing transformation that is happening all around me!

I guess the word of the day then is resiliency. I pray that I would be able to bounce back and this time bounce right into the arms of Jesus. The one who is faithful to the end!
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3 Response to "Back to where I started..."

  1. Heather W. says:
    September 9, 2009 at 9:37 PM

    Ha, I love the line about the big hair! Isn't the world full of funny mis-coceptions like that? I think you are a great pastors wife! I admire you Mandy. You are a servant and it is evident to all who watch you. I love you guys!

  2. Lauren says:
    September 11, 2009 at 7:01 AM

    Thanks for sharing your journey so openly, Mandy. I think that transparency is huge for a couple in ministry and I have no doubt that your solidarity with your church is a great gift to them.

  3. Harmony says:
    September 12, 2009 at 11:44 PM

    I absolutely loved reading this, Mandy. It is so encouraging to my own faith to hear you process yours.

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