Little Red Bike...Part 2 and 3...

Well, Monday Nick went on a retreat and took the car because it was far away, leaving me with the bike and the bus. He dropped me off at work with the bike so I could ride it home on Tuesday with the plan being to ride the bus home Monday night.

After a very long Monday with the kiddos I collected my things and got my wallet out to get money for the bus. I learned I had forgotten to get the bus money that was set aside for this very evening leaving me with one dollar and several coins totaling only 1.50, it takes 2 to ride the bus. I work with kids so any chance of me finding a coin lying around to boost what I had was useless. I decided I would ride my bike home.

Here is how it went this time:
not enough layers of clothes
no helmet
darkness on the streets
no lights on my bike
a new rout with bike lanes!
a slight decline all the way home
the scene of city lights against the dark forest hills
time to clear my head and pray while I hoped for the best

In all, ride number 2 was much better than the first just slightly more dangerous.

Ride number 3 to and from work:
Warm sunny day
legs getting stronger
i pod
fresh air
other bikers
essentially all that riding in Portland should be!

Third times a charm:)
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