
This happened just when we returned from Christmas Vacation. All of my students were very squirmy, naturally, because they were dying to share about their time apart. So, I started our day with some journaling. I had one child, "sadness" who just got up out of his seat and starting roaming the room and ho-humming as Eeyore does. I got him to settle down for a bit and to talk to me...
Me: "what's going on?"
Him: "I don't want to write in my stupid journal"
Me: " do you want to tell me why?"
Him: "NO"
Me: "did something bad happen to you?"
Him: "NO"
Me: I just sat there with him for a minute...knowing that this 9 year old would probably tell me soon
Him: "My daddy killed him"
Me: "what are you talking about?"
Him: "My dad killed a man on Christmas Eve and now he is in jail"
Me: "are you alright?"
Him: "yeah"
Me: "well, it's alright to be upset about it ....

And the conversation continued with me faking as if I am a counselor. I don't have a freaking clue what to do or say to these kids... I did find out later, from the secretary, that his father did shoot a man at a bar on Christmas Eve night. His dad is now on trial for murder.
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