Guns, Drugs, and Sex

Yes, this is how the climate of our building has been described in the last couple of weeks. We made the news on Monday with the drugs! We had a student in third grade bring marijuana to school. Here is how I found out about it...

Tuesday Morning 8:45 as students are arriving...
New Kid in my class: (mind you he has been completely depressed since he got here). "Mrs. Mucci! We were on the news last night!
Me: No way, how exciting...what about? (I should have known to stop the conversation before it started)
New Kid with enthusiasm: A kid brought drugs to school!
Speechless I followed with...well that's unfortunate...but that would never happen in here RIGHT?

Pretty lame response but what else was I supposed to say if I wasn't even sure it was true?

I then ran next door to ask another teacher if this was truth and sadly it was.

The gun part is also true. We had a 4th grader bring a real gun to school a few weeks ago and there never was a staff meeting on either of these...

Communication and openness and the way issues are addressed in inner city schools is so sad.

Oh yeah, the sex part, this one is kinda funny.
A 4th grade teacher, we'll call her Ms. F said to me...did you also hear about the notes being passed by my students in the lunch room?

The note said..Janie, did you see the kids having sex in the back of Ms. F's classroom?

Ms. F with a chuckle: I know a lot goes on in my class that I may miss in my old age, but I think I would know if that ever happened!

In the end I concluded that MTV has taken over our school, we have all the makings of a music video except for money!
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