
This is a web page I found that is genius! For anyone who wants to watch what they consume or is just curious about the nutritional stats of the food they eat, this is the page for you! I have a profile set with caloric intake goals to loose one pound a week. Nick as a profile set with goals to loose a pound and a half a week. I am going to make a profile for our boys so that I can watch the sugar intake. I am always amazed at all the hidden sugar in our food! It also has great recipes and tips about the nutritional value of food. Seriously, any of you who are working on eating healthier or managing your weight (by gain, loss, or maintaining it) this is the page for you! I used one similar in the past but I would get frustrated trying to find the foods that I ate that day to get the stats and I haven't had that problem yet! I am also excited to use the exercise options as the weather gets better...definitely worth checking out!
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1 Response to "www.livestrong.com"

  1. Lauren says:
    May 10, 2010 at 4:58 PM

    Well friend, I haven't seen you in awhile, but I can't imagine you have any pounds to lose! Thanks for the resource though. :)

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